Talk @ WordcampID 2010 : High Performance WordPress : done quick, cheap, and easy

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Terimakasih 🙂

Last year I was contacted by Valent Mustamin, whom I started to be acquainted with by Twitter. He asked me if I’d be interested to speak in WordcampID 2010. My response was “HELL YES!” – well, ok, not exactly like that 🙂 but, you get the idea.

Before we continue, I must say it was very nice of him to get in touch with me quite that far in advance. Usually, sometimes, I was called and asked, “hey, how about speaking in this seminar which, by the way, is gonna be held tomorrow?”. Ouch. Sometimes I have problems booking a date even for the next week.
With WordcampID 2010, I was able to prepare the material well, and also booked the date of the event (30 January 2010) before I got other appointments. Zero conflict. Peace on earth.

Back to the topic – I proposed to speak about “High Performance WordPress”, which, of course, discusses ways to speed up WordPress. My talk will adhere to 3 main criterias : easy, cheap, faster.
Easy : it’s easy to do, kinda drop-in solution which you can do in 15 minutes flat.
Cheap : it’s not gonna cost you the arm & the leg. Basically, a dedicated server (dual core, 2 GB RAM) will suffice. It’s not some kind of highly complex, multiple-servers setup.
Faster : it will speed up your WordPress installations by multiple times AND will increase its capacity as well – capability to serve multiple concurrent visitors at the same time.

This solution is aimed to the websites in “growing-pains” period : too big for shared webhosting, but still too small in revenue to afford multiple-servers infrastructure.
In my experience, these websites usually are ranked between 10000 to 100000 in Alexa.

With the solution presented, I hope to be able to help these websites to grow their traffic significantly, and finally move up to the elite leagues with no problem.

You may ask, why another discussion on this topic? Isn’t this already discussed in many blog postings everywhere?

Indeed, however, soon I spotted a problem. When I was helping my friend, Mr Romi, to speed up his WordPress-based website, the highly popular, I noticed that the tutorials on this topic are :

(1) Suggests the hardest way with the least gain – first, and/or
(2) Only works for lesser websites (eg: Alexa rank > 200.000), and/or
(3) Potentially will your website to become buggy / to lose data, and/or
(4) It may cost you your first unborn child, and your arm, and your legs, and/or
(5) Did I mention that the methods are sometimes pretty hard to do ?, and/or
(6) Oh, did I already mention that it sometimes only offer 25% performance gain ?

The method I discussed can give 100000% performance gain. With 15 minutes of work.
And with very minimal messing (only normal config changes) with current installation of Apache/PHP/MySQL.

In a server, I tested its LAMP (Linux – Apache – MySQL – PHP) stack performance, and I got 2 requests / second.
After I finished optimizing it, I got 2000 requests / second. No kidding.

I know that in the audience there are several people from webhosting companies, who can get financial gain from this. Not just poor webmasters having problems with their ever-popular websites. But I don’t care. I love to share knowledge, and I believe only good things will come out from sharing them.
So there 😀

Anyway, enough rambling – on to the goodies !

[ High Performance WordPress – OpenOffice format ]
[ High Performance WordPress – PDF format ]
[ High Performance WordPress – Flash format ]

Note: The slides here have been updated with the excellent suggestion from Simon Lim regarding DNS.

Also, at the moment I’m working on another solution which is as easy, but offers even MUCH faster performance gain. Stay tuned.
Enjoy ! 🙂

308 thoughts on “Talk @ WordcampID 2010 : High Performance WordPress : done quick, cheap, and easy

  1. (maaf) izin mengamankan PERTAMA dulu. Boleh kan?!
    Meskipun saya kurang memahami betul (lantaran terlalu oon) tetapi saya menangkap adanya upaya untuk membuat wordpress menjadi semakin mudah, murah dan cepat. Ini tentu sesuai dengan harapan saya.

  2. Thanks mas Harry.

    Looking for WordPress improvement & high performance tips and found it here, based on an experience from the expert.

  3. I think I’m a little bit more behind in this, but I didn’t know that there’s a Indonesian wordcamp held! 😀 congrats 😉 wish I could join in.

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. I agree that we need to share our experience related to the group activities. For the group of people who have been implementing wordpress for their websites, it is nice to give information about our success in developing our websites using wordpress. Thank you for this good article.

  5. Wah — mantap mas, akan segera saya pelajari kali aja bisa jadi service nih. 😀

  6. Pak Harry,

    Saya agak bingung dengan konfignya.
    Di squidnya, listen di port 80. Terus di apachenya tidak ada perubahan port, jadi asumsi saya apache tetep listen di port 80, Traffic yg datang ke port 80 di redirect ke port 8181, di port 8181 ada yg LISTEN? Terus apakah gak konflik antara apache dan squid yg sama2 listen di port 80?

    Terima kasih

  7. Sayang sekali masih memakai squid 2.5. Saya memakai squid 2.7, jadinya berubah jauh dengan konfig yg ada di slide. 🙂

  8. I can’t thank you enough for sharing the pdf file. I know what I will be reading for the next few days! Thanks again for sharing, I am sure you just help me and my sites very much!

  9. Thanks for your nice post, you are right, we all need to share our experience related to the group activities. For the group of people who have been implementing wordpress for their websites, it is nice to give information about our success in developing our websites using wordpress.

  10. Highload itu kira-kira berapa hit per hari sih om harry?

    atau mungkin satuannya lebih ekstreme lagi seperti hits/second kali ya?

  11. Great Blog I am Certified to your blog Because I have Searched and visited blog contents are Unique. if your blog were not post unique so I would not post my comment.

  12. @budiwijaya – Squid itu di port 8181 🙂
    Silakan bisa dibaca lagi isi file squid.conf di file presentasi di atas 🙂

  13. @gamat – “high-load” itu ketika server kita sudah mulai kelabakan melayani pengunjung yang datang. Biasanya ketika error 503 mulai muncul ketika kita berusaha mengakses situs kita. Atau malah cuma terus loading tanpa ada yang muncul di layar browser.
    Untuk situs berbasis WordPress, biasanya server kita mulai overload pada traffik sekitar 150.000 hits per hari.

  14. interesting article, I really liked your article. I will keep visiting to read your article quality. if you’re willing I hope you can visit my blog. I am very excited to read and read your article. from your loyal fans.Tika

  15. word press importance can never be negotiated in it each version find it more efficient and much easier. it is really hard maintained it .

  16. Pak harry,
    Bagaimana ya caranya supaya apache-nya tau bahwa yg request itu browser-nya itu yyy. Jadi kita bisa ngasih yg sesuai. Misal, kalo browser mobile, kita arahkan ke web yg mobile. Kalo desktop ya kita arahkan ke web yg normal.

  17. Mas,

    Thanks for adding the DNS recommendation into the presentation..

    Appreciate it…

    I am in the midst of scaling and configuring automated failover solution for WordPress blog…will share about it soon…

    Keep in touch.. 🙂

  18. First, congrats on being asked to speak at WordCampID 2010! The topic you picked is an important one. So many people are trying to get more traffic and still run on a budget. With what you’re proposing it will make things so much easier and beneficial for them. People love being able to do things easier if there is an easy way to go. I bet this increases your popularity greatly!

  19. yuppiiiiiii. i got this article from another site.. its very helpful to understand the difference.. really nice article. Thanks for this piece

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  21. This one is the blog which I like most,I would like to thanks that master brain who make all this for the readers like me. Keep iot up.Keep blogging.

  22. thanks for your knowledge sharing. this will be useful for our web architecture 🙂

  23. Çok ama çok güzel bir siteniz var. Teşekkür eder linkimi koyarım.

  24. A dedicated server might be a small expenditure for some, but if you’re just starting out this method is still quite costly. However it’s a generally good method if you have the starting capital.

  25. Thanks for the file! I downloaded the PDF file and I feel that I attended the talk personally. You shouldn’t be giving this out for free. I feel like I’m stealing from you. Haha. Great job!

    Maybe I should start looking at dedicated servers now.

  26. So many people are trying to get more traffic and still run on a budget. With what you’re proposing it will make things so much easier and beneficial for them. People love being able to do things easier

  27. proposed to speak about “High Performance WordPress”, which, of course, discusses ways to speed up WordPress. My talk will adhere to 3 main criterias : easy, cheap, faster.

  28. I agree that we need to share our experience related to the group activities. For the group of people who have been implementing wordpress for their websites, it is nice to give information about our success in developing our websites using wordpress.

  29. wordpress is the best if compared to blogger and other free blogging services. their cms is simply outstanding and the layout and the themes are simply awesome.

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  31. I agree that we need to share our experience related to the group activities. For the group of people who have been implementing wordpress for their websites, it is nice to give information about our success in developing our websites using wordpress.

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  41. well, my wordpress blog is still 3million ranked in alexa…it’s no problem…I’m trying to increase my rank but it’s not easy..:)
    thanks mas harry..

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  45. mas Harry, tutorialnya bagus ni…
    tadi saya sampai membandingkan dengan nginx dan varnish, tp kok lebih kebayang pakai squid yaa..

    saya sudah install squidnya (Version 2.6.STABLE21), tp bermasaiah dengan confignya, sy ambil spt ini
    http_port 80 accel vhost
    cache_peer parent 1234 0 no-query originserver login=PASS
    http_access allow all
    icp_access allow all
    ### Disk cache: 4096 MB, 16 top directories max, 256 second-level directories max
    cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/var/cache 4096 16 256

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