Reshared post from +Bob Mulholland
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#IO13 Â
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Reshared post from +Bob Mulholland
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Blue StreamTry it…. You might like it
#IO13 Â
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Sejak dulu saya sudah mengatakan, BlackBerry musti membuka BBM nya ke berbagai platform / tidak dikunci hanya di smartphone nya sendiri.
Karena memang faktanya, hanya yang open / terbuka saja yang akan bisa survive / menang 🙂 ini pelajaran sejak zaman IBM PC dulu.
Akhirnya, BlackBerry menyadarinya juga 🙂
BBM is coming to Andriod and iOS – US
BlackBerry Messenger lets you chat in real time & share messages. BBM Video with Screen Share allows you to video chat with your BBM friends. – US
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Banyak orang menggunakan stabilizer – dan lalu heran kenapa peralatan elektroniknya tetap rusak / jebol.
Faktanya, bahkan banyak UPS sekali pun tidak sanggup menghadapi berbagai kekacauan di suplai listrik dari PLN – surge, brown out, noise, spike, dst. Bahkan berbagai jenis UPS merk APC sekalipun tetap bablas : Â http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninterruptible_power_supply#Common_power_problems
Tidak disangka, suatu hari saya menemukan thread di Kaskus soal ini (UPS). Dari thread tersebut, saya mencoba membeli UPS merk ICA tipe st623b, untuk sebuah kantor cabang yang sudah lama mengalami masalah ini.
Alhamdulillah, sampai saat ini hasilnya memuaskan. Kantor tersebut kini sudah tidak menggunakan APC lagi.
Terlampir link ke diskusi selengkapnya, semoga bermanfaat :Â http://m.kaskus.co.id/thread/000000000000000014158796/panduan-ups#post000000000000000685425782
Panduan UPS | Kaskus – The Largest Indonesian Community
Disclaimer: Sebelum anda membaca panduan ini, perlu diketahui saya bukanlah insiyur elektro atau ahli elektronik yg mengerti 100% tentang UPS. Panduan ini ditujukan kepada orang awam, kalo ada yg terl | Hardware Computer | Tempat diskusi computer hardware: updates, problems, drivers, peripheral, performance, upgrade, overclocking, showcase, dan konsultasi.
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Dikutip : "growing problem of Muslims in Britain and elsewhere who are exploiting European welfare systems"
"In the video, Anjem Choudary — a former lawyer who has long campaigned to bring Islamic Sharia law to Britain and other European countries… is recorded as saying that Muslims are justified in taking money from non-Muslims"
"Choudary says: "We take the Jizya, which is ours anyway. The normal situation is to take money from the kuffar. They give us the money. You work, give us the money, Â We take the money "
He then adds: "Hopefully there's no one from the DSS [Department of Social Security] listening to this" –>>> As Bill Cosby's meme said, "You must be a special kind of stupid" :Â http://memegenerator.net/instance/37740079
Artikel selengkapnya : http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3605/uk-unemployment-jihad
UK: Unemployment Benefits to Finance Jihad :: Gatestone Institute
A radical Islamic cleric who lives off the British welfare state has been filmed urging his followers to quit their jobs and claim unemployment benefits so they have more time to plot holy war against non-Muslims. Excerpts of the speech, published by the
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Unfortunately, there is no complete guide on doing so. Each guide is missing something. So here I'll try to combine them into one simple guide :
(1) First, follow sulu99's guide here : https://www.miniand.com/forums/forums/development/topics/cyanogenmod-10-full-working-with-internal-storage
(2) On its step #2, the link to download gapps & CM10 are dead. Use these instead :
(3) Step #4 is swapped with its step #5, it will cause your mk802 to hang. You need to do step #5 first (reboot mk802), and then step #4 (insert sdcard) once it has finished booting into CWM (ClockWorkMod)
(4) Once you're in CWM, you'll be confused — the screen is split into 4 (four) 🙂 and it blinks everytime you move your mouse. zulu99's guide failed to mention this situation.
The hint to navigate this situation is listed on another guide : http://rikomagic.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=142
Quoted : " just keep an eye on the top right screen
Keyboard Navigation :: Arrow KeysÂ
UP and DOWN to highlight option
Left Arrow to select option
Right Arrow to return to previous menu
Mouse Navigation ::
Move Up and Down to highlight option
Left Click to select option
Right Click to return to previous menu"
(5) Step #6 should be like this : "WIPE DATA (factory reset), and then in this order install :: CyanogenMod 10, Â Gapps, Â Compatibility (mk802_legacy-compatibility-jb_v5)"
(6) That's it – after you reboot, your mk802 will have CM10 up & running.
Enjoy !
CyanogenMod 10 Boot Animation Available for Download – Android Authority
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After much googling, I found :
The Reason :: that wrong firmware was messing the mk802's partition scheme.
The Fix :: find a firmware that will forces LiveSuit to rearrange the partition scheme.
The Solution :: this is the only firmware I found that will do so : en-us-NEW2-ak003.rar http://beta.androidfilehost.com/?fid=9390077933525140458
Once I flashed it into my mk802, it works again 🙂 thank God.
Hope it helps someone.
On the next post, I'll continue with installing CM10 (CyanogenMod10) on this mk802.
Amazon.com: Mini MK802 Android 4.0 Google TV Box HD IPTV Player PC Allwinner A10 1G DDR3: Electronics
Amazon.com: Mini MK802 Android 4.0 Google TV Box HD IPTV Player PC Allwinner A10 1G DDR3: Electronics
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Selamat menikmati.
MK802II firmwares gathered on one place! ~ Windows8 & Android Addicted
So, in this short post I gathered all the links with the different versions of firmware tested by me for Rikomagic MK802II. Here we go: 1. Mele A10 neutral version 20130102 firmware – rooted. 2. Uhost Android Gingerbread 2.3.4 firmware. 3. Rikomagic MK802II version 20121205 firmware …
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Reshared post from +Muhammad Fahmi Aulia
sharing info dari 'management' Haagen Dazs
(mudah2an ini beneran email dari mgt HD)produk HD ternyata MENGANDUNG ALKOHOL! 🙁
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Di saat antara dua tidur itu, bisa terjadi berbagai kegiatan – percakapan, mengunjungi tetangga (!), menyiapkan makanan untuk esok hari, dst.Â
Pada waktu ini, biasanya adalah saat dimana pikiran sedang jernih, dan tidak ada rasa terburu-buru. Karenanya, ini adalah saat yang sangat tepat untuk bermunajat / tahajud.
Sialnya, pola tidur ini (bimodal sleep) mulai terkikis sejak abad ke 17. Penyebabnya ? Lampu listrik = lampu jalan 🙂 karena terlalu terang, maka, banyak orang yang jadi mundur waktu tidurnya.Â
Dan, di awal abad 1900-an, nyaris semua orang sudah lupa, bahwa, selama berabad-abad, manusia itu tidur DUA kali di satu malam.
Terimakasih kepada Dr. Roger Ekirch, kini kita jadi mengetahuinya lagi.
Selamat menikmati :Â http://www.history.vt.edu/Ekirch/sleepcommentary.html
Roger Ekirch | Department of History
theAmericanhistorical • “Dreams Deferred,†Feb. 19, 2006, New York Times. • “Violence in the Land of Sleep,†Mar. 23, 2010, New York Times. • “Supernatural Terrors Tamed,†Aug. 1, 2010, New York Times…
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Autocompletion nya kencang sekali, dan malah bisa otomatis menampilkan semua detail parameter command ybs (di parsing langsung dari man page nya !)
Senang dengan fitur auto-correct di smartphone ? Fish juga ada fitur seperti ini, bernama auto-suggestion 🙂 DAN mayoritas suggestion nya akurat 😀 berbeda dengan http://www.DamnYouAutoCorrect.com 😀
Konfigurasi fish juga sangat mudah – via browser :O yup, dari browser.Â
Edan 😀
Sekilas kelebihan fish :Â http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendly_interactive_shell
Saya pribadi sangat menyarankan artikel berikut ini dari ArsTechnica – disini kita akan makin menyadari akan berbagai kelebihan shell yang satu ini :Â http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2005/12/linux-20051218/3/
Enjoy !
fish’s fish shell
The new fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family. Autosuggestions. Autosuggestion Thumbnail. fish suggests commands as you type based on history…
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Desperation = A Rope Ends It
The Eyes = They See #duh Â
George Bush = He Bugs Gore
The Morse Code = Here Come Dots #LOL Â
Slot Machines = Cash Lost In Me
Mother In Law = Woman Hitler #MEGALOL Â 😀
Animosity = Is No Amity
Snooze Alarms = Alas No More Z's
A Decimal Point = I'm A Dot In Place
The Earthquakes = That Queer Shake
Eleven Plus Two = Twelve Plus One #mindblown Â
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