Reshared post from +The Verge
Friending a war: how Israel is controlling the story, 140 characters at a time
The IDF takes to social media in its war on Hamas
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Reshared post from +The Verge
Friending a war: how Israel is controlling the story, 140 characters at a time
The IDF takes to social media in its war on Hamas
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Yes, it gets really hot 🙂 I almost burned my finger recently. And there's this guy posting photos of its mk802 with its melted casing. Crazy.
I'll buy a heatsink for it tomorrow.
In case it's not a hardware / overheating problem, then I'll need to start considering other solutions, for example: upgrading the firmware, replacing the android with Linux, etc :
XBMC for Android : https://www.miniand.com/forums/forums/1/topics/136
Uberoid (latest firmware + extra fixes) :
Howto replace mk802's firmware (incl. link to the LIveSuit) :
Linuxes @ mk802 :
CyanogenMod 10 @ mk802 :Â
Other stuff : must-have apps fo mk802 :
I'll post the solution which works for it.
FAQ – RIKOMAGIC MALAYSIA – Official Distributor for MK802/MK802+
What is an MK802? MK802 is a Flash Drive size ARM base Computer. It comes with Android 4.0 (ICS) preinstall. What is the content of the package? The complete package contains almost everything you nee…
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Reshared post from +Haydar Özkömürcü
Gaza being bombed! These photos were taken yesterday and today. Raise your voices and say stop the massacre. Because Israel preparing to expand Gaza operation; http://goo.gl/9uKuA
You can be a Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Atheist or Buddhist but you're still human. You must say "Stop Israel!"
#Hamas  #Gaza  #Israel  #Massacre  #GAZABurns Â
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Thank You !
Protect Global Internet Freedom
On December 3rd, the world’s governments will meet to update a key treaty of a UN agency called the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Sign this statement to protect the open Internet.
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Setelah diumumkan ke publik, baru pontang-panting Microsoft berusaha membetulkannya…..
Reshared post from +The Verge
You might want to change your email address, just in case
Your Skype account can be hijacked using only your email address
Russian hackers have discovered a security hole in Skype’s password recovery tool that allows a third party to take control of your account. All the hackers require is your Skype username and the…
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Good stuff 🙂
Embedded Link
You’re in a room with only a pen and paper, what game do you play to pass time? : AskReddit
reddit: the front page of the internet
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Hint: there's Batman & Kermit in it 🙂
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The best Android emulators for PlayStation, SNES, Game Boy, Mega Drive, and more | Android | Pocket Gamer
Pocket Gamer is the world’s leading destination for games on Android. Get news, previews, reviews, tips, features and practical guides for: Android.
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As usual, another brilliant piece from the genius Hamzah Moin 🙂
Some favorite quotes :
He was so handsome that even Abdul Wahab was lowering his gaze
" “My parents had immigration issues… they were deported back to Transylvania †he added
(yep, I lost it there 😀 )
"  _It’s okay_ … being a vampire has allowed me to live a long and pious life â€
Idris explained , “ I looked up the fiqh when I converted (to Islam) and I found out that eating humans is Haram â€
(yep, lost it again there)
Abdul Wahab smirked. “ _I looked up the fiqh and marrying a dead guy is Haram â€
Zahra started crying
Bwahahaha…. genius !
Breaking Fajr: A Muslimah’s Twilight
Written by: Hamzah Moin. Zahra ran up the stairs sobbing. She plunged on top of her bed and wept into her pillow. Zahra was fed up. Marriage proposal after marriage proposal, Zahra was getting frustra…
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Dikutip dari https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20121109/13423720996/draconian-downloading-law-japan-goes-into-effect-music-sales-drop.shtml
"Â the music industry get so obsessed with "stopping piracy" that they miss the fact that their main job should be to increase revenue "
Undang-undang yang baru ini sukses membuat takut semua orang, sehingga bahkan mereka jadi tidak berani membeli musik dari sumber-sumber yang legal sekali pun.Â
Mengkriminalisasi calon customer Anda ? What a bunch of stupid pricks… 🙂
Draconian Downloading Law In Japan Goes Into Effect… Music Sales Drop | Techdirt
For years, we’ve pointed out that some in the music industry get so obsessed with “stopping piracy” that they miss the fact that their main job should be to increase revenue. They make the huge mistak…
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Desain ruangan-ruangan kantornya unik 🙂 selamat menikmati.
Mengintip Ruang Kerja di Studio Gameloft Indonesia – Kaskus – The Largest Indonesian Community
Mengintip Ruang Kerja di Studio Gameloft Indonesia The Lounge Forum bagi Kaskuser untuk berbagi gosip, gambar, foto, dan video yang seru, lucu, serta unik.
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Acer C7 Chromebook ini mirip seperti Samsung Chromebook; tapi disk space nya 320 GB (Samsung: 16 GB SSD) dan baterainya lebih cepat habis / 3,5 jam (Samsung: 6,5 jam) – karena, menggunakan prosesor Intel Core (Samsung: prosesor Exynos / ARM-based)
Timingnya tepat sekali, yaitu pada saat gegap gempita Windows 8 🙂
Mudah-mudahan seri laptop Chromebook & tablet Nexus (akhirnya) bisa men*dobrak monopoli Windows*. Mari kita saksikan bersama-sama !
Reshared post from +The Verge
Google announces Acer C7 Chromebook, available tomorrow for $199Â http://vrge.co/PPOAMf
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When I tried to replicate that server to another, the process always fails will error message " Duplicate entry … table online at somedatabase"Â
I reset the master several times, and rebuilt the slave multiple times as well – still same problem.
The solution ?Â
Excluding the table from being replicated, by putting this line in the slave's /etc/mysql/my.cnf :
replicate-wild-ignore-table = %.online
Restart the slave – voila, master-slave replication works smoothly 🙂
Why ? My guess is something with the table's structure. Because ALL these tables only have 1 record in it :-/ so, what duplicate entry ?? 🙂 #LOL Â
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Dari semua laptop yang pernah saya miliki, sejauh ini memang Lenovo yang paling bisa saya rekomendasikan. Kualitas bagus, banyak pilihan spec yang unik, dan harganya pun cukup bersaing.
Reshared post from +The Verge
The ThinkPad maker reigns supreme
Lenovo now world’s largest laptop supplier, defies trends with growing PC sales
Lenovo has reported another set of extremely healthy financial results this morning, and with the earnings report claimed to be the world’s largest consumer PC and laptop supplier. The company’s PC……
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Ketika sedang browsing di Internet, tidak sengaja menemukan artikel ini. Wow 🙂 Artikel ini sudah lama sekali saya tulis. Saya sudah lupa persisnya, jejak yang saya temukan di Google menunjukkan bahwa artikel tsb sudah ada di November 2004.
Anyway, artikel ini kemudian banyak dikutip di berbagai milis & forum di Internet. Namun, justru belum ada di blog saya sendiri 🙂 Maka dengan ini saya membetulkan kekeliruan tersebut 😀
Selamat menikmati.
Oleh: Harry Sufehmi
Pernahkah Anda bertanya di suatu forum atau mailing list komputer di Internet, namun tidak dijawab oleh seorang pun ? Atau mungkin malah ada yang meledek Anda?
Jangan kaget, cara Anda bertanya dapat sangat mempengaruhi respons yang akan Anda dapatkan. Jika cara Anda benar, maka di forum yang sama bisa jadi malah orang-orang seperti menjadi saling berebutan untuk membantu Anda.
Anda hanya perlu menempatkan diri Anda pada posisi mereka (anggota-anggota forum lainnya), dan berpikir, kira-kira pertanyaan seperti apa yang saya akan jawab dengan senang hati?
Para anggota forum saling membantu satu dengan lainnya tanpa bayaran. Kebalikannya, justru mereka mengorbankan waktu dan pikiran untuk menolong Anda.
Buatlah agar mereka merasa tergerak untuk menjawab pertanyaan Anda, dengan melakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini.
Kemudian, cari tahu tempat yang tepat untuk menanyakan pertanyaan Anda tersebut. Pertanyaan mengenai programming akan cenderung diabaikan, atau malah akan mengundang kecaman, jika diposting di forum mengenai perangkat keras.
Cross-posting (memposting pertanyaan ke banyak forum sekaligus) cenderung membuat orang menjadi malas menjawab pertanyaan Anda (“ah, paling forum anu yang akan menjawabnya”)
Kalaupun Anda merasa betul-betul perlu untuk memposting pertanyaan tersebut ke beberapa forum sekaligus, maka kirimkan sebagai satu buah email untuk setiap forum.
Jangan bertanya langsung ke individu.
Bertanya ke forum/mailing list adalah lebih baik, karena:
Cara bertanya yang baik
Jawaban yang menyelesaikan permasalahan Anda tentu perlu dibalas paling tidak dengan ucapan terimakasih. Namun bagaimana dengan jawaban:
Jika jawaban yang Anda terima tidak berkenan bagi Anda, jangan tersinggung dan marah-marah karena:
Yang lebih baik adalah Anda introspeksi diri Anda sendiri, apakah ada etika-etika bertanya yang telah Anda langgar? Silahkan baca lagi petunjuk ini baik-baik.
Jika rasanya Anda telah cukup berhati-hati dan berusaha, namun masih tetap dimaki-maki, berarti memang forum tersebut bukan forum yang tepat. Tapi jangan dibalas, karena Anda sendiri yang akan kena getahnya. Cukup cari saja forum lainnya. Dunia tidak selebar daun kelor.
Salah: Dimana saya bisa menemukan program anu ? (ya di Google, dogol)
Baik: Saya mencari program anu di Google, tapi tidak ada yang relevan / justru ketemu situs-situs mengenai produk anu. Apakah ada yang bisa membantu menunjukkan saya ke informasi mengenai cara untuk menggunakan fasilitas X di program anu tersebut ?
Salah: Bagaimana cara untuk install Linux ? (RTFM!!!)
Baik: Saya sedang meng-install Mandrake versi 9.2, namun saat sedang mendeteksi network card malah jadi hang. Network card saya merk D-link tipe TX530. (informasi jelas, detail, dan relevan).
Saya sudah coba cari di Google dan http://www.mandrakeuser.org, namun tidak ada informasi mengenai hal ini. (penanya jelas sudah berusaha, namun masih belum berhasil juga)
Ada yang tahu bagaimana solusinya ?
Salah: Motherboard saya gak mau hidup, gemana nehhh…Â ??!! (Loe mau bayar gue berapa emangnya?)
Baik: Komputer saya tidak mau hidup setelah saya pasangi card Radeon 9800XT. Ada bunyi bip 3 kali sewaktu saya menekan tombol power. Sayang tidak ada informasi mengenai bunyi bip ini di manual dan website motherboard saya. Motherboard saya merek Epox tipe XXX-321. Ada yang bisa membantu saya?
Demikian pedoman ini kami susun, semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi Anda.
These tools will enable you to audit your web-application, find out if there's any security hole existed.Â
The summary can be read here :Â http://www.sectoolmarket.com/price-and-feature-comparison-of-web-application-scanners-unified-list.html
The 2012 Web Application Scanner Benchmark
Top 10: The Web Application Vulnerability Scanners Benchmark, 2012 Commercial & Open Source Scanners An Accuracy, Coverage, Versatility, Adaptability, Feature and Price Comparison of 60 Commerc…
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Reshared post from +The Verge
Cyborg v1.0
Man with first mind-controlled bionic leg climbs Chicago’s 103-story Willis Tower
31 year-old Zac Vawter made history on Sunday when he became the first person to scale the 103 flights of stairs in Chicago’s Willis Tower with a mind-controlled robotic leg, reports the…
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AMD is doing a lot of smart moves these days, starting with their deliciously powerful + cheap Fusion platform. The next year should be very interesting.
Reshared post from +Linux News Here
In the microprocessor wars, #ARM and its many partner allies have always had the most units sold in the market. But Intel, which can sell chips for $100 or more, has always had the lion’s share of the profits in a $30 billion-plus industry. With the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets, ARM is a rising star while Intel’s core PC market is weakening. And this week, Intel rival Advanced Micro Devices announced it would move beyond Intel-compatible chips to making ones based on ARM designs.
Will ARM become more powerful than Intel by using less power? (interview)
Intel and ARM are fighting the world war of the chip market. The battle is playing out in servers, smartphones, tablets and PCs.
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A lot of people have started to realize this.
Reshared post from +The Economist
Consumers have started to realise that they may not be buying their digital content, such as e-books, outright. In many cases they are in effect just renting them http://econ.st/YB65kVÂ
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Karma is a bitch #LOL
Reshared post from +Susanne Ramharter
Karma can be such a bitch
thanks to +Alison Marlowe and +Matt UebelÂ
#apple  #treadlightly   #karma Â
Apple’s Lost the Ability to Sell Under the iPhone Name in Mexico Thanks to Fight They Picked
Part of the whole trademark nonsense is the idea that they have to be aggressively enforced lest they be lost to the company that filed them. It’s why a number of lawsuits are filed about brand names …
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