New mammals seen in Borneo woods

BBC reported that 2 new mammals have been found in Borneo (Kalimantan), Indonesia. They were spotted by automatic cameras, planted at Kayan Mentarang National Park.

According to Callum Rankine, head of the species programme at WWF-UK (the sponsor of this study), “You don’t find new mammals that often, and to do so must be extraordinary”.
Actually, not really.

My brother in law, Firman, said to me that he already discovered several new species, by himself. And they were in Java island (where human have almost fully populated it). Not in some virgin places like Borneo, or Irian (Papua). He’s a biologist working in a University in Jakarta, Indonesia; and sometimes goes around Indonesia in relation to his work.
Problem is, Indonesian institutions & governments lacks interests in these stuff. So this kind of discoveries tend to be done by foreign scientists, and they’ll get all the credit.

Indonesia, he said, is very rich in regard to this topic. We can use this to our own advantage, and it can raise Indonesia’s status in international academic societies. However, our government simply doesn’t have enough interest.

Maybe another day.
It might be too late by then, though.

How to get the best knowledge workers

From our favorite technology company, Goo gle, here comes 10 tips on how to get the best out of your skilled employees.

There are excellent ideas there, and managers would do well to consider them.
For example, “hire by committee” is the kind of ideas which would make people goes “why didn’t we think about it”. It just makes sense.

They seem to like Peter Drucker, and do exactly what Drucker said – “cater to their every need”. At their office, you’ll be able to find gyms, laundry, car wash, dry cleaning, shuttle bus, etc. Their staff, even the unmarried ones, can get all (literally) their jobs done at the office. A serious productivity boost, and something that a company as big as them can afford, considering the benefit out of it.
As an engineer myself, I know that sitting all day and pushing your brain to the limit tend to deteriorate your body. I visit a gym regularly to keep me healthy, but having the gym inside my office would really, really help indeed.

“Encourage creativity” – this may sound cliche, but their implementation of it certainly is far from it. It is, shall we say, very creative.

“Data drive decisions” however, might not always be possible. Certainly you’ll need to strive for this, but there WILL be situations when there just isn’t enough data available to make a fully informed decision. Make no mistake, as a manager, you WILL be in this situation.
There will be situations where, for example, there are several options available. To make things worse, taking the wrong decision may harm the company.

This is where another tip comes in – “strive to reach consensus”. You’ll need to involve your people on such important decision. Let them have their say heard.

However, when you fail to reach a consensus, it’s a manager’s job to decide. The buck stops at him, and so he must make the judgement, based on whatever data he has.
The employees must obey AND fully committed to make the decision a success, even if they disagree with it.
This is how a good team works.

This, however, would only be possible with a solid team, where each and every one trusts each other. To accomplish this, you’ll need to “communicate effectively”.
Team members need to be able to communicate freely to build trust. Don’t make it hard for them to do so.

Anyway, go now and read the article. You can’t afford to miss it.

LTSP on Mandriva 2006

Just returned from a client, yet another internet cafe converted to Linux / LTSP solution. Even after paying my consulting rate, he still saved a LOT of money by doing so, and therefore shortening the time for ROI drastically.

I’ve had a few problems though with Mandriva 2006. But it’s nothing serious, just glitches.
Some are quite strange tho. Like, how the start menu shows the image “KDE free 3.4”, but there’s no KDM in the display manager choices (there are only GDM and XDM ….)
Couldn’t create icons on the desktop – but this is probably a restriction on root account, since we can do that just fine on normal accounts.

Had problems with Compaq machines with ESS Audio drive chip (ES1869F), got around that by using sb module, thanks to this post.
But the strangest is 3Com’s 3C900B-TPO network cards, they just won’t boot to the LTSP server. When replaced by other NIC, the machine boots up normally into the server. We might have to replace these NICs.

The DHCP server doesn’t work properly, workstations are unable to get IP address from it. A friend then suggested that we used older version of dhcpd, to be exact, from Mandriva 2005. It then works without any more problem.

Mandriva 2006 seems to be quite a nice distro. Hopefully it’ll prove itself stable and reliable too for this server role.

God I am so tired. Gotta rest.

Firefox 1.5

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya biasa browsing dengan Firefox, namun kemudian saya perhatikan bahwa Firefox sangat banyak memakan memory, dan cukup lambat performanya. Setelah beberapa waktu, akhirnya saya memasang Opera v8.50, dan lebih banyak menggunakannya sehari-hari.

Namun, kemudian saya perhatikan bahwa Opera juga ada masalahnya. Yang paling menyebalkan adalah, jika kita membuka beberapa situs tertentu (contoh:, maka Opera seperti hang. Semua situs lainnya yang kita sedang load menjadi tidak pernah selesai dibuka.
Jika situs yang bermasalah tersebut kita tutup, maka situs-situs lainnya kembali jadi bisa dibuka lagi.

Kebetulan Firefox 1.5 kemudian dirilis. Maka kemudian saya mencoba Firefox kembali.”

Alhamdulillah, ternyata Firefox kini lebih cepat; tidak kalah dengan Opera. Penggunaan memory nya juga lebih efisien, dan belum terlihat adanya memory leaks (seperti di beberapa versi sebelumnya).

Dan bonus terbesar – ekstension untuk Firefox kini sudah sangat banyak, dan berkualitas tinggi.
Pada saat ini saya telah memasang AdBlock, Fasterfox, dan FlashBlock; sehingga performa Firefox meningkat drastis. “IE tab” memungkinkan saya untuk melihat bagaimana suatu halaman akan ditampilkan di Internet Explorer. “Web developer” tidak boleh sampai terlewatkan oleh para (tentu saja) web developers. “Download status bar” membuat proses download file menjadi nyaman & praktis. “gTranslate” mempermudah saya untuk menterjemahkan suatu halaman ke bahasa lainnya / Inggris. “WikiPedia Lookup Extension” mempermudah saya untuk mencari keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai suatu hal. “View rendered source chart” sangat mempermudah dalam memahami source code dari suatu halaman HTML. “” mempermudah saya untuk me manage bookmark saya di situs “StumbleUpon” memungkinkan saya untuk menemukan situs-situs yang menarik & bermanfaat.

Dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.

Internet Explorer, yang tidak memiliki fasilitas extensions seperti ini, saya rasa akan sangat kesulitan untuk bersaing dengan Firefox.

Get the fox now ! Insya Allah Anda tidak akan menyesal.

HOWTO: Survive worst-case scenarios !

Wow… very interesting 🙂 a few articles: how to survive a riot (does happen in Indonesia, so quite relevant), how to stop a car with no brakes, survive a plummeting elevator, etc. There are a few strange ones too – how to foil alien abduction, jump from rooftop to rooftop, etc … ha ha.

All in all, makes for very interesting reading. And who knows, it may save somebody’s life too.

[ HOWTO survive worst-case scenarios ]

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Alhamdulillah, pada hari Rabu tgl 30 Nop 2005/28 Syawal 1426 H yg lalu. Pemerintah kota Bogor (walikota) dan lembaga agama Islam, meresmikan situs Portal & SIM Masjid Online.

SIM Masjid telah digunakan dan terdaftar 51 masjid didalamnya. Setiap mesjid telah dilengkapi dg sebuah komputer dan koneksi ke internet. Di Bogor terdapat sekitar 600 Masjid, dan SIM masjid setiap saat dapat menerima pendaftaran masjid baru yg telah siap bergabung.

Masjid Online ini merupakan salah satu dari big picture dari Bogor Cyber City. Program lain yg sdh dijalankan adalah Kecamatan Online yg akan ditingkatkan tahun depan menjadi klurahan online, sekolah online telah dimulai. Dan yg paling besar adalah Bogor Cyber Park.

Jaja Tri harja
Team Task Force : Bogor Cyber City

Google loves Firefox

I’ve been wanting for some time now to help advocate / spread / advertise Firefox, especially on this website.
Previously, I’ve registered my family as donater to Firefox campaign. The Spread Firefox team then was able to purchase a 2-page advertising on New York Times. (click here to download it as PNG/PDF file)
But then I got busy with other things.

Then I noticed that Google has opened up their Firefox referral program to international AdSense publishers.
Wonderful – you get to advocate for your favorite browser, and got paid at the same time.

So, there goes the little Firefox button on top-right side of this blog 🙂
I noticed that the buttons are pretty small, most are only 2 – 3 kb in size. So I hope it won’t inconvenient you too much.

Right, now, does anyone knows how to make AdSense adverts show up only on English contents…?

Tips beli komputer: pilih power supply yang bagus

Jika Anda ingin membeli komputer baru, jangan lewatkan satu hal: power supply yang bagus.

Kebanyakan orang melupakan power supply ketika membeli komputer, sehingga penjual komputer bisa memasang power supply murahan, sehingga keuntungannya pun jadi meningkat.

Namun, power supply berkualitas rendah sangat berbahaya, karena ketika rusak, maka komponen komputer yang lainnya dapat turut menjadi rusak juga – motherboard, prosesor, memory, hard disk, dst. Karena kesemuanya tersambung ke power supply yang sama !

Idealnya, power supply yang Anda beli bisa mematikan komputer secara otomatis jika rusak.
Masalah yang paling sering menimpa sepertinya adalah tewasnya kipas pendingan power supply. Maka power supply mengalami overheating, sehingga menghasilkan output yang tidak benar.

Masalah power supply ini bahkan juga menimpa Xbox 360, yang baru saja dirilis oleh Microsoft.

Power supply berkualitas bagus kadang hanya berbeda harga sedikit sekali dari yang murahannya, namun dapat melindungi investasi komputer Anda yang bernilai jutaan rupiah.
Jangan lewatkan ini.

Lego Mindstorm: meet FischerTechnik

When I was still in UK, I happened to meet a friend in Sheffield. He impressed me with a lot of things and ideas, but one thing stood out – his kids are messing around with Lego Mindstorm, and it was the first time I encountered it.

I thought I’d buy it for my kids, but it’s rather hard to find. Then I got busy with other things.

Today I read a post on regarding Mindstorms and lack of its popularity in Lego. Thankfully, a poster told about a (seemingly worthy) competitor – FischerTechnik

When my kids have grown up a bit more, I’d like to buy a few pieces of this, and get them started in (robotics) engineering; and see if they’re interested on it. If not, I can always put the kit available for loan, to whoever could use it.
Heck, it may be a good idea to create a robotic club, so my kids would be more enthusiastic about this (since they’ll be doing it with others).

If you know of other good alternative to Lego Mindstorms, do feel free to comment.

Orang bijak

Salah satu kelebihan beberapa orang bijak yang saya kenal adalah bahwa mereka bisa bersabar dengan orang-orang bodoh di sekitar mereka.

“Sabar” disini adalah :
1. Tidak menjadi emosi karena kebodohan (dan, seringkali diiringi juga dengan kesombongan) mereka.
2. Tidak meremehkan mereka karena kebodohannya
3. Berusaha terus untuk membantu mereka dalam memperbaiki kekurangannya
4. Dan yang paling penting; selalu berusaha memperbaiki kebodohan yang masih tersisa pada diri mereka sendiri.

Mudah-mudahan saya juga dapat meniru kebaikan mereka, tapi ini memang betul-betul terasa berat bagi saya yang lemah ini…

maxq: Alat bantu testing web-application

Dengan semakin berpindahnya development ke platform web, maka kebutuhan akan alat bantu nya menjadi semakin terasa.

Jika Anda pernah merasakan berbagai kebutuhan berikut :
1. Regression testing: memastikan bahwa situs Anda tetap berjalan sebagaimana mestinya setelah di update
2. HTML validity: memastikan bahwa situs Anda menghasilkan kode HTML yang sesuai dengan standar
3. Automatically extract information / do some action on a website

Maka MaxQ adalah salah satu solusinya.

[ Situs MaxQ ]

Mesin Diesel: antara mitos dan fakta

Salah satu pertimbangan saya dalam membeli Kia Carens II (yang ternyata sucks itu) adalah karena mobil tersebut menggunakan bensin – bukan solar; dimana saya kira bensin adalah lebih ramah lingkungan daripada solar.

Ternyata, kelihatannya bensin itu justru jauh lebih beracun daripada solar, menurut artikel di Intisari tahun 2000 ini

Sekarang saya sedang berencana untuk mengganti Kia Carens II dengan sebuah mobil diesel, mungkin Panther atau Innova (versi diesel).
Ideas most welcome.

Dulu saya juga pernah menggunakan mobil diesel, yaitu Toyota Previa. Tapi saya selalu berusaha menjaga agar emisinya jauh berada di bawah ambang batas aman. Mobil ini sangat menyenangkan dalam pemakaiannya. Sayang harganya disini jauh lebih mahal daripada di UK.

Mobil diesel jadi semakin menarik saja; lebih ramah lingkungan, irit, bandel, nyaman (terutama yang telah menggunakan teknologi EFI / common rail), dan tetap berperforma tinggi (terutama yang ada turbo-nya).
Saya kira, kalau APV atau Xenia mengeluarkan versi diesel, mobil MPV bensin bisa overstock gila-gilaan karena tidak laku nih 🙂

Anyway, selamat membaca:
[ Mesin Diesel: antara mitos dan fakta ]

Norton Internet (Useless) Security

My uncle came today with his laptop – he said that he suspect it’s infected with some kind of virus.
Took a quick look, and found Norton Internet Security. I instantly got the hunch that this will take some time to take care of.

Indeed… took me about 4 hours to fully clean the laptop. The laptop was in a very bad condition; it was infected with about 130+ viruses. Norton Internet Security however didn’t give a single warning. Everything is okie-dokie, according to it. Totally useless junk.

The Internet connection was hosed too. Looking around, found on website that this is caused by doing a system restore. Yes, the virus is messing around with XP’s system restore feature, and while doing it managed to cripple the modem too.
So I downloaded the 10 MB modem driver (no small feat here with Indonesian’s puny internet access), uninstall the modem, and reinstall it again.
Voila – working Internet connection.

Back to Norton Internet Security – I’ve decided to call this piece of junk “NOrton internet Useless SEcurity” (NO-USE).
I uninstalled it completely, then installed AVG anti virus and ZoneAlarm firewall. All free, and all works MUCH better than NO-USE. Shame on you, Symantec – and you call yourself a security company ?

A few years ago I got NO-USE for free from my bank (Barclays) when they first introduced their online banking facility. It was a trash back then – it destroyed my Windows installation so thoroughly, I had to do a clean reinstall.
It has managed to do a bit better now, I didn’t have to reinstall this laptop. However, letting viruses slip past its firewall, and then failed to spot 130+ viruses in the laptop ?
It still sucks, big time.

Stay away from it. You’ll thank me for that.

Here’s another reason why it sucks. Unbelievable.

Software development Java gratis senilai hampir US$ 2000

Sejak beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mulai tertarik untuk mencoba development di Java. Yang pertama-tama saya lakukan adalah mencari IDE (Integrated Development Environment) yang bagus untuk Java, karena ini akan dapat sangat membantu proses belajar saya.
Setelah mencari beberapa waktu, saya menemukan sebuah yang baik, namun harganya sekitar US$ 500. Maka rencana belajar Java saya tunda dulu ketika itu.

Kemudian saya menemukan bahwa ternyata Sun kini sedang menawarkan IDE Java mereka untuk di download tanpa biaya – padahal harga retailnya nyaris mencapai US$ 2000.
Anda dapat mendapatkannya dari link ini:

Jika Anda belum menjadi anggota SDN (Sun Developer Network), maka Anda akan perlu mendaftar terlebih dahulu sebelum bisa mendapatkan penawaran ini. Pendaftara SDN cepat (hanya mengisi 1 halaman form) dan gratis.

Semoga bermanfaat.

As the name implies, fireballs which are shot every year from a river in Thailand ?
What really happened in Tsunguska ? Did an alien ship landed there?
Do you know that a worldwide nuclear war was barely averted in the last minutes on the 80’s, by a Russian ?
Do you know that there are wasps that can control minds ?
And so on – very good stuff.

some contents may not be really appreciate for small children – such as the headless chicken, etc. I’d suggest you not to leave your kids to browse this website alone, it’d be good for them if you’re there to explain a lot of things to them while they’re browsing it.