The Wiki Empire

I’ve been very impressed by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with vast amount of good quality contents. So imagine my surprise to find the list of all WikiMedia’s websites here:
Wiki Media Foundation: Our projects

Internet has renewed my belief to the goodness in human race. Grass root movements like these will enable and empower us to be and act as a single, human, race – regardless of nationality, religion, skin color, etc.
Let’s just hope it doesn’t get hijacked before it fully realize its full potential.

The Samurai -vs- The Cowboy

Very interesting…. with Japan holding a lot of US debt in its hand, it may be the samurai that will finally be able to stop the cowboy that is US government :
Japan threatens huge dollar sell-off

Another possible player are the Arab governments – if they’re brave enough to switch to Euro for their oil transaction, USA will be significantly weakened. But they’re a bunch gutless cowards at the moment, so US gov’t got nothing to worry about regarding them.

We’ll see.


mod_security is an Apache module which is designed to do things that a conventional firewall couldn’t – block application-level attacks.

While a firewall block attacks at packet level, most of them have port 80 opened to allow access to the webserver behind it. And with conventional firewall getting very good nowadays at doing its job, criminals have started to find that it can be very easy to breach your network using this route instead.

This is where mod_security come to your assistance.

It’s able to do quite a lot. For example, it’s able to filter user requests (based on your own rules), both POST and GET – protecting you from potential SQL injection, XSS, root traversal, and other attacks.
Those are already quite powerful, but there are more. It’s also makes it easy to make Apache runs chroot-ed, invoke virus scanner on uploaded files, limiting admin access based on IP address, detecting instrusions, stopping information leak – even disabling the famous FormMail from sending spam. Your creativity is pretty much the limit with it.

I can’t praise this thing enough. If you haven’t install it, I recommend you do, asap.

Further readings:
# Excellent introduction to mod_security
# chroot-ing Apache with mod_security
# – the website for Ivan’s (yet to be released) book, but already contains a few security tools which may be of interest to you
# HOWTO: installing mod_security on Debian stable

Peringatan agar jangan pernah merasa sombong / yang terbaik

Hadist Ali r.a katanya:
Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Pada akhir zaman akan muncul kaum yang muda usia dan lemah akalnya. Mereka berkata-kata seolah-olah mereka adalah manusia yang terbaik. Mereka membaca Al-Quran tetapi tidak melepasi kerongkong mereka. Mereka keluar dari agama sebagaimana anak panah menembusi binatang buruan. Apabila kamu bertemu dengan mereka, maka bunuhlah mereka karena sesungguhnya, membunuh mereka ada pahalanya di sisi Allah pada Hari Kiamat
(HR Muslim)

Mudah-mudahan kita tidak terjerumus menjadi orang-orang yang dikecam di hadits di atas tersebut.

Beberapa orang mungkin akan dengan cepat menuding kelompok Salafy dengan dasar hadits ini, tetapi saya lihat ada berbagai kelompok-kelompok lainnya yang juga menunjukkan ciri-ciri yang lebih parah lagi, beberapa di antaranya justru adalah para penentang Salafy tersebut :

  • Didorong agar cepat berdakwah. Sebetulnya ini bagus, namun kemudian yang sering terjadi dan saya saksikan sendiri adalah para da’i tersebut mentafsirkan Quran dan Hadits tanpa dasar yang jelas. Ini sangat riskan dan berbahaya kalau dilakukan dengan ada rasa ujub di hati.
  • Mengklaim bahwa kelompoknya adalah yang paling benar
  • Membaca Al-Quran, berdakwah kepada Islam – namun kelakuannya sendiri terkadang melanggar agama
  • dst

Saya jelas tidak bisa memfatwakan tindakan yang disebut di hadits tsb, karena saya bukan ahli agama. Tapi saya hanya bisa mengingatkan kita semua, terutama saya sendiri, untuk tidak melakukan hal-hal yang tersebutkan diatas itu.

Jaringan Islam Liberal didanai oleh The Asia Foundation

Sumber:, Senin, 06 Desember 2004

Ulil Abshar: “1,4 milyar, Tapi Itu Kecil”

Gemerincing dollar di balik program Liberalisasi Islam di Indonesia sering hanya menjadi gosip. Tapi, tokoh JIL, Ulil Abshar Abdala mengaku jujur pada Hidayatullah tentang isu itu

Ulil Abshar Abdalla (Koordinator Jaringan Islam Liberal)

Benarkah JIL didanai oleh The Asia Foundation? Benar, berapa jumlahnya?

Setiap tahun kami mendapat sekitar Rp 1,4 milyar. Selain itu, JIL juga mendapatkan dana dari
sumber-sumber domestik, Eropa, dan Amerika. Tapi yang paling besar dari TAF. Tapi dana itu jauh lebih kecil daripada dana yang diperoleh ormas-ormas Islam lainnya.

Ormas mana?

Selain kami ada juga ormas Islam yang menerima dana dari TAF program Islam and Civil Society. Mereka itu adalah Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Universitas Muhammadiyah Solo, dan Departemen Agama. Dana yang diterima JIL jauh lebih kecil daripada mereka.

Ormas-ormas tersebut dipandang menggulirkan isu yang sejalan dengan JIL?

Tidak juga, justru bermacam-macam. Ada isu toleransi, kesetaraan gender, demokrasi, dan pluralisme.

TAF menjalin kerjasama dengan Yahudi dan CIA. Berarti JIL sesungguhnya menjalankan agenda mereka?

Ini cara berpikir orang yang dibingkai dalam kerangka berpikir teori konspirasi. Seolah ada agenda besar yang dipimpin oleh Amerika Serikat. Perlu Anda tahu bahwa orang-orang kaya, baik Yahudi maupun non-Yahudi, punya tradisi yang sama, yaitu menyumbangkan sebagian kekayaannya kepada kegiatan sosial. Mereka akan dibebaskan dari pajak dan memperoleh reputasi lebih tinggi karena telah berbuat baik untuk masyarakat. Hal ini sangat menakjubkan dibanding dunia Islam.

Apa yang dilakukan TAF dan Yahudinya itu tidak akan bermasalah?

Saya tidak keberatan mendapatkan dana dari Yahudi atau CIA. Memangnya kenapa? Sepanjang mereka tidak mempengaruhi kebijakan internal organisasi saya dan selama saya tidak diintervensi, tak masalah buat saya.

Tetapi tentu saja mereka tidak akan memberi bantuan secara cuma-cuma kan?

Sudah tentu mereka akan mendanai kegiatan-kegiatan yang punya satu visi dengan mereka. Tidak mungkin mereka mendanai kegiatan organisasi yang bersifat fanatisme agama. Kami, seperti JIL, NU, IAIN,Muhammadiyah, juga tidak mungkin mencetak buku-buku Wahabi walau diiming-imingi oleh, misalnya, Arab Saudi.

Kami punya ideologi tertentu, dan kami tidak bisa menerima uang dari orang yang tidak seideologi dengan kami. Kalau Pemerintah Arab Saudi akan membiayai kegiatan JIL, fine (baik). Tapi kalau mereka menyuruh saya untuk mengadakan kegiatan yang anti Islam liberal, anti Islam progresif, menyebarkan Islam yang konservatif, ya saya tidak mau.

Pendapat Anda seringkali kontroversial dan berbeda dengan para ulama. Kenapa begitu?

Kontroversi itu bukan tujuan saya. Kontroversi itu akibat yang tak terelakkan. Saya mengemukakan pendapat tentang Islam yang berbeda dengan orang banyak.
Otomatis, kalau pendapat Anda berbeda dan perbedaan itu sangat prinsip, yaitu agama, maka sudah tentu akan menimbulkan kontroversi. Jadi, kontroversi itu akibat, bukan sebab.

Secara jujur saya katakan, pandangan-pandangan saya itulah iman saya tentang Islam. Saya merasa tenteram dengan pemahaman saya itu.

Kalau boleh tahu, bagaimana dengan kehidupan keagamaan Anda sehari-hari?

Soal shalat, saya tetap shalat dengan cara seperti orang Islam yang lain. Soal puasa, saya tetap puasa seperti orang Islam lain. Karena bagi saya, soal ritual itu sudah selesai. Itu saya anggap bagian dari agama yang tidak perlu dipersoalkan. Saya merumuskan pandangangan yang liberal berkaitan dengan hal-hal di luar ritual. Pandangan tentang nikah beda agama, bagi
saya, itu bukan ritual.

Anda setuju dengan pernikahan beda agama. Bagaimana jika suatu saat pernikahan beda agama itu terjadi pada anak Anda?

Saya harus menanggung, karena itu pandangan saya. Meskipun berat. Jadi, kalau saya ditantang seperti itu, secara rasional saya akan menyatakan boleh.
Tetapi secara hati saya tidak mau munafik, saya mengatakan berat. Tetapi itu manusiawi.

Ada beberapa lembaga yang punya visi yang sama dengan JIL, seperti Majalah Syir’ah, ICRP, Radio 68H, dan lainnya. Ada hubungan apa?

Mereka teman seperjuangan kami. Dalam LSM itu ada yang disebut culture network (budaya jaringan). Jaringan ini bukan hanya di Indonesia, tapi global. Kami punya teman-teman di luar negeri yang punya visi yang sama, dan kami saling share (berbagi).

* (Ahmad Damanik/Hidayatullah)

Hikmah & Kasih sayang

Umat Islam butuh lebih banyak lagi orang-orang yang mampu melihat hikmah di balik musibah, dan penuh kasih sayang kepada sesama makhlukNya.

Seperti satu contoh ini :

“…Di forum-forum saya berkeliling dengan grup musik Kiai Kanjeng, dalam pementasan yang rata-rata berdurasi 4-6 jam, kegembiraan kami adalah kalau ada orang gila, gelandangan atau jenis orang terbuang lain, yang datang. Selalu saya ajak naik, dan tak jarang saya sodori mikrofon kalau saya lihat bibirnya bergerak-gerak bisa mengikuti lagu yang dilantunkan.
Di Jakarta Timur, seorang wanita muda telanjang dan menari-nari tatkala datang ke acara sekitar pukul 7 malam, orang-orang akan mengusirnya, kami kasih pakaian, saya naikkan panggung, dan di akhir acara, pukul 2 dinihari, ia sudah normal kembali kemudian kepada seluruh hadirin menyatakan minta maaf – kemudian kami mengantarnya mencari di mana rumahnya. “

Poverty in UK

I feel sad to the people of UK. Among the biggest of their problem, somehow, just slipped from the attention of their representatives in the government – house price rise.

The problem is very serious – for example, about 2 years ago I can bought a house in my area in Birmingham for about 50.000 pounds. Now it’s almost impossible to get even an ugly house here for less than 100.000 pounds, with 150.000 pounds being more realistic.

I’m happy that I won’t need to buy a house here, but I dread to think about those who can’t afford one, and therefore have to pay 400-700 pounds (or more) every month for rent.
Just a few days ago I saw a girl on TV saying that her salary is about 500 pounds a month. And I was wondering why most couples are both working in this country…

Investigative reporting done by a few journalists uncovered the fact that many of the rich are buying houses as investments, with some owning up to 100 houses ! (or more ??) Those are either to be rented, or worse, left empty – waiting for the price to rise, and then sold at bloated margin.
Absolutely insane… and these are happening while the little people are enduring the pain caused by that – working like robots everyday to just pay rent and a bit more for food, or homeless for being unable to even rent one.

And all the government did was to raise the interest a little bit – enough to stop the poor from getting a mortgage to buy a house, while the rich can still afford them.

There are more that the government can do :

# Shorten the time allowed for the property to be empty to 3 years (it’s set to 12 years at the moment), before the property considered in public domain and can be claimed by the government, or any squatters – since there cases already where local government can’t even manage their own properties very well (so many are left empty for years).

# Implement progressive house tax – first house is not taxed, but more than that will be taxed, with the next house taxed even more than the previous one.

# Do projects to provide affordable (and decent) housings.

# Etc.

Each of the suggestion above can’t do much alone – but when implemented together, then hopefully it’ll make house becoming MUCH more affordable to the little people.

After all, everyone should have the right to a decent housing.
Anybody disagree with this should be kicked out from his home and try living on the streets of UK in winter !

Psion 5MX –> PC –> Internet

The setup above would be useful in scenarios such as the following: download emails in the morning, then work in the afternoon, and finally send all the replies in the evening.
In this case, downloading emails would be most cost-effectively done via PC’s Internet connection, since it’d be cheaper than using mobile phone’s GPRS connection.

The following are a few links with information to do that :
Psion to RAS
Psion to Internet via PC using MochaPPP
Psion to Internet via PC’s modem

Googlism: WordPress versus phpWiki

Dari hasil investigasi singkat kemarin, ketahuan bahwa blog ini rankingnya cukup bagus di Google untuk berbagai keyword. Dan GoogleBot juga cukup sering mampir untuk meng-update index dari situs blog ini.

Tetapi, situs umum saya justru tidak terlalu berhasil di index oleh Google. Agak aneh, karena jelas GoogleBot sudah menemukan situs tersebut kalau menilik isi file log Apache, danURL-nya juga sudah SE-friendly.
Namun, kebanyakan pengunjung situs adalah dari situs-situs lainnya – bukan dari Google.

Sayang sekali, karena ada beberapa artikel di situs itu yang bisa bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Tapi yang membutuhkan jadi tidak bisa menemukannya, karena cuma sedikit sekali halaman situs tersebut yang di index oleh Google.

Jadi, eksperimen sedikit ah… coba kita link setiap artikel dari blog ini. Lalu setelah beberapa saat, kita lihat apakah jadi banyak yang bisa menemukannya ?

List of topics


Computer Security : (in English)
Various tips on computer security, divided into categories. You’ll find practical tips as I found them.

Linux – Fully Loaded : (in English)
A tutorial on setting up a Linux server on Internet, with as many services as possible on it – in the shortest time possible.

OpenBSD – Fully Loaded : (in English)
A tutorial on setting up an OpenBSD server on Internet, with as many services as possible on it – in the shortest time possible.

How to secure your Windows computer
Bagaimana cara mengamankan Windows di komputer Anda : (bahasa Indonesia / English)
Microsoft Windows by default is not secure. Connecting it to the Internet is already enough to make it infected with viruses / hijacked by hackers. This is a practical guide on how to secure it properly, as quickly as possible, and avoid it from causing you any losses.
Microsoft Windows standarnya tidak aman. Sekedar konek ke Internet saja sudah cukup untuk membuat komputer Anda menjadi terinfeksi virus / dibajak oleh hacker. Ini ada artikel praktis mengenai cara mengamankannya, dalam waktu yang sesingkat-singkatnya, dan mencegah Anda mengalami kerugian karenanya.

Computer Maintenance Tips
Tips-tips Perawatan Komputer : (bahasa Indonesia / English)
Various tips on maintaining your computer for optimal performance.
Berbagai tips perawatan komputer untuk membuatnya selalu bekerja optimal.

OpenLDAP interoperability with other Directory Services
A practical guide where I document my effort at getting OpenLDAP to "talk"/syncronize from/to other directory services.

RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury : (in English)
I suffer from RSI to the point that it’s hard for me to drive on long journey without suffering from tremendous pain in my wrists. Here you’ll find what you can do about it.

Learn Computer Programming with Internet technologies
Belajar Pemrograman Komputer dengan Teknologi Internet : (bahasa Indonesia / English)
Aimed to computer beginners, this mini-site aims to teach them computer programming using something most already familiar with, the Internet.
Ditujukan bagi para pemula, tutorial ini bertujuan untuk mengajarkan pemrograman komputer dengan menggunakan sesuatu yang sudah mereka kenal – yaitu Internet.
(work in progress)

Cara memilih komputer server : (bahasa Indonesia)
Artikel ini membahas mengenai cara-cara untuk memilih komputer server yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Program Pembukuan/Keuangan Gratis : Di zaman komputer ini, bisnis sangat membutuhkan bantuan komputer. Namun bisnis kecil / UKM sering kesulitan menemukan software keuangan yang biayanya terjangkau oleh mereka (baca: gratis). Artikel ini berusaha mengumpulkan semua informasi tersebut di satu tempat, dan di-update setiap saya mendapatkan informasi terbaru mengenainya.

Jangan pakai Internet Explorer ! : Jika ada kawan saya yang meminta tolong untuk komputernya diamankan, maka homepage default Internet Explorer-nya saya set ke artikel singkat ini 🙂


  • Analysis of "Islam and Terrorism" : "Islam and Terrorism" is a book written by Mark A. Gabriel, PhD. He was a professor at Al-Azhar University (Egypt) and Imam in Giza, but has since converted to Christianity. This mini-site offers an analysis of the content of this book. (work in progress)
  • Islam FAQ on contemporary issues – There are a lot of questions and misunderstandings/misconceptions about Islam out there. This is an attempt to answer the most asked questions/issues.
  • Problems with Gus Dur : Abdurrahman Wahid is among the top figure among Muslim in Indonesia. However, he’s already plagued with serious problems, especially after he became the president of Indonesia. Here’s a list of those problems, so we can judge him with as little bias as possible.


  • Tips-tips praktis mendidik anak : Saya bukanlah orang tua yang terbaik, namun saya selalu berusaha untuk itu. Di artikel ini saya membagi beberapa tips yang mudah-mudahan dapat bermanfaat bagi para orang tua lainnya.



  • Demokrasi Syuro : Implementasi demokrasi di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia, pada saat ini belum berupa implementasi yang ideal. Essay ini menganalisa berbagai masalah yang ada, dan menawarkan alternatif solusinya.
  • UK – this is how the gov’t wastes YOUR money : UK is a very rich country. However, its people suffer from problems on its health service, rising living costs, miniscule pension, etc. In the mean time, a lot of public funds were diverted for other uses. We’ll see where the money went instead.

Psion 5MX –> infrared –> Nokia 6820 –> GPRS –> Internet

It was quite a struggle to get the setup above to work. It’s also quite scary because I don’t even know if 5MX is compatible with 6820, or if 6820 has modem functionality, etc.

But in the end, it works. You can find the instruction to get them to work here, mainly for my own future references, and also (hopefully) to benefit others in similar situation.

Note: I think it’s quite reasonable to assume that any Nokia phones newer than 6210 will be able to work with 5MX using this instruction. But, don’t bet your life on that statement.


The Steps:

  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Select MODEMS > New
  3. Name: Nokia 6820
  4. Speed: 115200 baud
  5. Connect via: Infrared
  6. Fax class: Auto
  7. Options :
    (note: you’ll need to replace “” with your mobile provider’s setting)
    • Loudspeaker: Never
    • Volume: Quiet
    • Pause time: 4 seconds
    • Init (reset) string: AT&F&K3
    • Data Init: AT+CGDCONT=,”IP”,””
    • Fax init. string: Blank
    • Flow control: Hardware (RTS/CTS)
    • Terminal detect (DSR/DTR): Ticked
    • Carrier detect (DCD): Unticked
    • Modem type: Mobile
  8. Click OK
  9. Back to Control Panel, open “Internet” settings:
  10. Click New
  11. Based on “Standard Settings” :
    • Name: My Internet
    • Connection type: Dial-up
    • Use smart dialling: Not ticked
    • Standard dial-up number: *99#
  12. ACCOUNT:
    (note: you’ll need to replace username & password with your mobile provider’s settings)
    • Manual login: Not ticked
    • Username: web
    • Password: password
    (note: you’ll need to replace both DNS addresses with your mobile provider’s settings)
    • Get IP adddress from server: Ticked
    • Get DNS addresses: Unticked
    • Primary DNS address:
    • Secondary DNS address:
  14. LOGIN:
    • Use login script: Not ticked
    • Enable PPP extensions: Ticked
    • Allow plain text authentication: Ticked
    • Use call back: Not ticked
  16. CLICK “DONE”
  17. Open “Message”
  18. Menu > Tools > Add New Account > Email
  19. Complete all fields in order to access your POP3 email
  20. FINISHED with set-up!

Again, please note that the settings above works if you’re a subscriber of O2 mobile phone network in UK only !
You’ll need to adjust some settings above to follow the settings from your own mobile phone provider. An example of such settings can be viewed here.

Now, to actually use the email or internet:

  • Activate infrared on the mobile
  • Activate GPRS on the mobile
  • Point at the infrared port of Psion 5MX
  • Open Message
  • Open Mailbox, and select an account
  • A new window appears “Connect to internet” – click OK
  • If you’re downloading email, ALWAYS Close mailbox before disconnecting from the Internet to avoid login problems on subsequent sessions.



Psion 5MX

In anticipation to my return to Indonesia, where I expect I’ll be mobile / on the road most of the time at the day, I just bought a Psion 5MX to enable me to work anywhere.

The reasons:

  1. It’s way lighter and easier to bring around than a laptop
  2. While small in size, the keyboard is still convenient and speedy to use
  3. It’s able to connect to Internet, and browse/email/etc.
  4. There are a LOT of applications available for it
  5. You can run Linux on it – and it’s Debian-based too. (minimizing the need to compile software, which means longer CF card life)
  6. It runs Linux without destroying what’s already on it – a small program will cause it to boot from the CF card, which has Linux installed in it
  7. It’s a bargain (most especially when you compare it to laptop price 🙂 ) at about 100 poundsterling
  8. It’s a very convenient voice recorder – it has dedicated buttons for this feature, so you can record straight away without having to open it first. It’s very important for me because I’m very forgetful 🙂 I really hate it when I forgot brilliant ideas because I wasn’t able to record it when it occurs. I almost bought separate device for this – lucky for me, 5MX can do this too.
  9. It uses 2 x AA batteries, not some weird proprietary battery. So when it runs out of power, I just need to buy AA batteries – which is available pretty much everywhere.
  10. The Psion community is amazing – you can find the solution for your problem on Google quite easily. Or when you need to ask questions, the community is very helpful

This afternoon, I’ve managed to get it to access the Internet via Nokia 6820 :
Internet — GPRS — Nokia 6820 — infrared — Psion 5MX

It was quite a struggle to get it connected for the first time, but now it’s rock solid.

Someone probably will argue that it’ll be more convenient to connect via Bluetooth (and use different PDA), why do you use such antiquated thing, and so on.
However, I’ve yet to find any other PDA with the features listed above, so it’s Psion 5MX for me at the moment then. Do feel free to let me know if you find anything else that can beat that feature list.

Windows: swap file optimization

5 years in writing (see bottom of page), ARP has now released the latest version of their Virtual Memory Optimization Guide (version 4.1)

Since hard disk is WAY slower than RAM, increasing virtual memory / swap performance will always give you instant increase in overall system performance.

Of particular interest would be movingswap file to outer tracks (max 200% performance gain), create multiple swap file on different hard disks (just make sure to read this as well), and stopping Windows from paging itself to disk.

A recommended read.


People are still busy with spyware; sure it is a problem. But reading their recommendations on combating the problem does make you wonder a bit.

If you have a good firewall, use Firefox instead of Internet Exploder, doesn’t install dubious software (read: kazaa, morpheus) – then you can be quite sure that your PC will be free from Spyware.

Alternatively, use Linux 🙂

Stop giving us change, start giving us chance

This website confirmed my suspicion that giving money to beggars actually help them to stay as beggars, makes other interested to become beggars, and making criminals exploiting many of them as money-making machines:

It breaks my heart to see children and even babies are exploited by cruel individuals on the streets 🙁

So, please stop giving them change, and start giving them chance instead.

Rapat dengan netproject

Pagi ini tiba di kantor, dan tiba-tiba ditegur teman, “are you coming to this OpenLDAP meeting ?”. Hm, perasaan meeting hari ini soal desktop linux deh, tapi oh well, why not.

Ternyata benar 🙂 bukan soal OpenLDAP, tapi pengenalan soal Open Source dan Open Desktop oleh netproject. netproject adalah perusahaan konsultansi yang menjadi terkenal ketika Microsoft kebakaran jenggot karena Newham City Council hampir pindah dari solusi Microsoft ke solusi open source berkat rekomendasi dari netproject. netproject juga membuat laporan untuk European Union soal cara migrasi ke solusi open source.

Eddie Bleasdale, direktur netproject, memimpin langsung rapat tersebut. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang menarik dari rapat ini:

  1. Proposal paten software di EU (European Union) ternyata adalah karena tekanan keras dari pemerintah Amerika 🙁 dasar teroris.
  2. Kasus migrasi open source di Munich – ternyata keputusan migrasi tersebut berdasarkan hal yang politis, not based on good business/technical case. Menurut Eddie, saat ini mulai terdengar beberapa masalah dengan implementasi pada proyek ini. Duh, mudah-mudahan mereka tetap berhasil deh…
  3. pak Eddie pernah sekali memberikan presentasi mengenai open source ke para manager marketing Oracle se-Eropa; dan mereka semua sepakat bahwa MySQL (bukan DB2, bukan juga MS-SQL) adalah ancaman nomor #1 bagi Oracle

Cukup menarik….

Juga ada beberapa hal yang menarik yang lainnya, tapi sayang belum bisa saya beberkan sekarang. Mudah-mudahan dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama lagi deh.

Websphere sucks…


Why ?

  1. Reliability: This thing takes IBM literally years to stabilise. I personally enjoying it myself, with my manager calling me “why the website is down ?”, and to find out that Websphere has fell down again for no clear reason. And we’re only using it for running our CMS for God’s sake (think Mambo, Drupal, PostNuke, etc) – it’s not something terribly sophisticated ! In fact, that CMS is actually developed in Tomcat ! So it’s not even using the full feature of J2EE offered by Websphere. Still, Websphere is having problems running this
  2. Forced upgrade: It all started pleasantly – the IBM consultants ran the excellent presentation on Websphere, and the price was reasonable too. Fast forwards several months – we’re having reliability issues with it. We inquired IBM about this, and their reply was some sort of “well, we no longer support that old version (what !!), so if you want to get our support, you better upgrade it to the latest one”. Then we found out the nasty surprise of the upgrade cost…
  3. Cost : Latest versions of Websphere are so expensive, once it was priced 8x (eight times) higher than the alternative solution based on Tomcat. Basically, picture yourself a big, bad, Sun server; with multiple UltraSPARC processors, and gigabytes of RAM. OK, basically, the Websphere license cost was enough to buy 2 of those. Do I still need to tell you which one got chosen by the project manager ?
  4. Scalability: An analyst defended Websphere saying that it’s the right choice when you need scalability in a system. Sorry, but, scalability my a$$. Basically, despite given the best server in the system, Websphere consistently managed to still become the bottleneck of that system. I ran a set of load-tests a few months ago against a system, which include a Compaq DL380 and a big Sun server running Websphere. That Compaq DL380 runs 3 virtual servers (using VMware) , yet it’s load consistently hovered around 1%-2%. The Sun server (that runs Websphere) however, kept on falling over flat on its face, with 100% system load.
  5. A bloated pig: I think by now you’ll understand already that Websphere is basically a massive bloated software, with low performance level compared against other similar software, despite attempts by (very expensive!) IBM consultants to tweak its performance.

It’s a massive bloat, it’s slow, it’s unreliable, and it’s priced to burn a seriously big hole in your wallet.

Stay as far away as possible from it.


# There’s a reason why Microsoft picked Websphere in their effort to promote .Net against Java
# Finally IBM will revamp Websphere’s reliability and performance. Or is it possible that I’m rejoicing too soon ?

OpenBSD v3.6

OpenBSD has been released for quite a while now. [ Here ] is a nice summary of it from

My personal impressions of it are:

  1. It’s number #1 OS if you’re concerned about security
  2. There are so much work going into this OS – hardened against buffer-overflow attack (even built into its compiler), arguably the most common type of attack. Also impressive use of cryptography, and how the system is set up securely in general – no initial root login via ssh, chroot-ed daemons, etc.
  3. OpenBSD team gives the best impression of a professional voluntary group. They set high standards, they set goals, and they meet them.
  4. An OpenBSD server, however, can be really difficult to setup and maintain. This is more to our lack of familiarity to various security process, instead of the fault with OpenBSD itself. Still, it tend to deter newcomers.
  5. Another problem is lack of newbie-friendly documentation. I tried to rectify that with [ this ], however note that I had to stop writing it when I changed my server before I can really sure that everything in there works.
  6. Package management is a serious omission in OpenBSD. But I heard that such thing (some kind of portupgrade) is already availabe in the bleeding-edge version of it.
  7. OpenBSD doesn’t yet comprehensively address the new rising threat – web-application security. Including mod_security in Apache by default could help to address this significantly

My own biggest issue with it is lack of effective package management solution (which is important when you want to spend as little time as possible administering your servers), so once this is addressed (in v3.7 I assume), then I think I’ll give this another go.

Selamat Natal

Sebentar lagi hari raya Natal akan tiba bagi umat Kristiani.
Dan sebentar lagi juga umat Islam akan ribut lagi mengenai halal-haramnya mengucapkan selamat natal (walaupun sudah jelas buya Hamka sampai ditendang dari MUI oleh Soeharto karena menolak menghalalkannya).

Sehingga, kiriman email barusan dari ini menjadi sangat menarik:

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

Tempat saya bekerja adalah sebuah perusahaan asing (di Singapura) yang berkantor pusat di Jerman.

Saya pikir tentunya mengucapkan selamat natal sudah biasa dilakukan.
Tapi ternyata bagian marketing kami berpikiran lebih maju, mereka punya cara tersendiri dalam memanfaatkan momen ini.

Perhatikan cuplikan e-mail berikut:


Just to let you know that Xmas card stock has arrived. These cards
are non-religious & simply state “Seasons Greeting and Best Wishes
for the New Year” in english & 6 european languages.

Kelihatannya, kita bisa menarik pelajaran dari orang-orang non-muslim ini 🙂