Lots of goodies today in Slashdot:
Fedora Core 3 released
I must admit that I was very sceptical when FC1 was released – I’ve had bad experience with previous releases of RedHat, and I never liked RH as a distro.
Then I tried FC2, and fell in love with it straight away. Here’s what I found:
# Truly free (as in speech), open, community-backed distro. Reminds me of Debian.
# Distro that “Just Works” – even on high-end server hardware (which usually uses strange chipset/configuration)
# Good on desktop role, Excellent on server role.
# Sensible setup process, with ability to go into great details if necessary.
# Great momentum – a LOT of people are using Fedora.
# Great choice in software management – I’m using apt on FC2 servers as we speak; yum & up2date are also available.
The last one is particularly important, because I’ve had enough spending days managing software on many servers – I now demand apt (or similar facility) whenever I could to save my time on mundane things and actually enable me to do things that’s more interesting.
I expect FC3 to be even better than FC2, well I guess I’ll find that out soon enough.
A note – contrary to a comment on that post above, I don’t think that SElinux – as it is – will make FC3 suddenly very secure. Don’t get me wrong – any security enhancements should be most welcomed by any security-conscious administrators; but I just think that the commentator is getting hyped up on one thing, and he may miss other similarly important things.
For example, you need to understand how it works to get maximum benefit from it. Otherwise, you’ll fell into false sense of security.
Solaris 10 released
I have a mixed feeling about this. First, I agree that Solaris is an excellent OS. But, I somehow doubt that Sun is able to pull such a huge leap (from Solaris 9) in such a short time – ZFS alone is quite unbelievable, then they promised Linux-compatibility (while I have had problems as silly as applying patches created by GNU/patch using Solaris’ patch), revolutionary TCP/IP stack, etc.
So I think it’ll be ridden with quite a lot of bugs.
Also, open source Solaris ? Doubt it, most probably there’ll some limitations on its license. Probably we’ll see the detailed analysis of it in Groklaw soon.
A commentator in the post above said that he’s heard McNealy promised it (open-sourcing Solaris) himself on an interview. Sorry, but I have problem believing a guy who flipped in an instant and now sleep in the same bed with his previous biggest enemy.
However, if it comes out as true – open-source developers are in for a joyride. Various solid technologies on Solaris are then available for picking by them.
But personally I still won’t use Solaris 10 for production unless I got loads of money to spare to subscribe to its bugfix/patches service….
btw, as I said before, if you use open-source software on Solaris, I think you’ll be very interested on Blastwave.org